Monday, February 16, 2015

There are only 5 jobs in this world

As someone who has worked from everything to start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations in leadership roles, I have learned that anyone can do anyone's job for the most part.

Some positions that require specialized licensing such as medicine or law may be limited just by those limitations. Barring that, almost any job can be done by anyone and can be learned in 2 years.

There are only 5 real jobs in the modern business world:

1) Building - Build processes, technology, gadgets, machines, policies, medicinal drugs, or service offerings

2) Selling - The ability to sell the items built.

3) Operations - Running the day-to-day businesses of those items built, whether it be legal or HR.

4) Managing money - Accounting and planning of monies that are acquired, distributed, and/or repurposed.

5) Support - Supporting the specialized product or service offering, whether it be customer service, marketing, advertising management, and/or fixing issues.

Those that start their careers over time find a place where they want to be in one of the categories above. This is where they stay and grow their careers, for the most part. Sometimes, mid-career, individuals transition to other core functions.

As we go higher in our careers, even though we specialize in one specific function, we also learn to navigate the other functions due to needs to understand those functions for effective management.

Those that can open their minds to understanding and playing a part in multiple functions will generally be able to grow into a larger role.

There are exceptions to these based on a person's personality, such as if they are introverted (support, managing money, or building) or extrovert (selling or operations). It does not mean they will not be successful, it just takes some folks a little longer to navigate into other roles then others.

As someone who started in engineering and is generally an introvert, and now running his own company, it is as important for me to pursue my core interest (building) as it is to put my shoes on for the other roles.

So, if you have a perception of importance or do not have the confidence, don't worry. No one is important and everyone is going through the same experiences.

None of this is a hard and fast rule, but a conceptualized view of today's world.

Where do you want to be? Feel free to comment below.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy 2015-updates and goals

Happy New Year.

Every year, we at put updates on product and engineering goals and measure our organization against them.

In the beginning of 2014, we stated goals for the year. Let's see how we did.

- Redesign of File Apartment ( that will encompass a stronger foothold in the filesharing space providing features and functionality that will increase the tracking, storage, and sharing of files with accounts and plans. (Don't worry, we will still provide our a-la-carte option for those who want to just simply upload and share.) - Done. (We decided to not offer the la-carte option after rethinking to prevent brand dilution).

- Feature enhancements for to support attributes and sub categories.- 80% done - The basic system is completed. We have to fill out the actual attributes.

- A new classifieds site based on the classifieds engine/system.  -  Postponed in favor of another project.

- Refresh of the All Vineyards app. - Not prioritized

- A potential new utility app for Android. - Postponed in favor of another project

Overall, we ended up not doing bad, however, due to other priorities, some items were reprioritized. The biggest project, redesign of has been completed and launched. The other projects completed in 2014 include:

1) Build out of a new network and servers.
2) Migrating all our existing applications to the latest version of Rails. Up until recently, our applications were still on Rails 2.1. Now we are on Rails 4.2. This includes,,,, and (our ad engine>
3) Advertising and marketing initiatives to help increase our sales.
4) Addition of promotions and events sections on
5) Product planning for a dating site

These activities have resulted in the following:
1) Faster site load times, which helps with SEO and user engagement.
2) Increasing revenue through
3) Higher awareness of and

In the spirit of continuous transparency and improvements, we commit to the following for 2015:

1) Release of a dating site
2) New classifieds site based on classifieds engine/system
3) Complete enhancements for to support attributes and subcategories
4) Continue increasing marketing/advertising initiatives for awareness
5) Android and iOS app launchers for and dating site
6) Enhancement of wine details page on
7) Enhancements for
8) A new analytics tool that is not currently available which we will use internally and may launch publicly.
9) Our stretch goal is a new online chat concept, however it is very early to tell if this is feasible in 2015.

Yes, this seems aggressive, but given some positive internal organizational changes, we believe we are in a position to be more nimble and faster then ever before. We will keep ourselves committed to not only product excellence, but execution as well.


Manish M. Shah
AcceleWeb, Inc.